The Human Research Protection Office has a wide variety of education programs to meet the needs of faculty, investigators, research staff, and students at WU.

HRPO On Demand

HRPO provides educational presentations tailored to the needs of your department, division, or research group. HRPO can arrange presentations on the following topics or any topic relevant to human subjects protections and the conduct of human subjects research at WU.

HRPO staff can provide presentations in-person or remotely (via Teams or Zoom). You can request a presentation by clicking “Request Session” below the topic of interest in the following menu.  If your preferred topic is not listed below, please email HRPO to request a presentation.

Pre-recorded educational presentations are also available. Pre-recorded educational presentations, where available, can be accessed by clicking “watch now” in the following menu.

To help us continue to improve the HRPO On Demand program, we would be grateful if you would complete an evaluation survey. The survey can be accessed below.

HRPO and IRB Basics – Request a Personalized Session
Secondary Use Research – Request a Personalized Session
Data and Tissue Repositories – Request a Personalized Session
Investigational Drugs and Devices – Request a Personalized Session
Participant Recruitment and Consent – Request a Personalized Session

Single IRB Review – Request a Personalized Session
Study Initiation Program

A joint program of the Human Research Protection Office (HRPO) and Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research (OVCR), the goals of the Study Initiation Program are to:

  • Create a collaborative working relationship with researchers that provides for open communication and support of the ethical conduct of human subjects research.
  • Provide protocol-specific education to Principal Investigators and their research teams to support the conduct of research in compliance with federal regulations, state law, institutional policies, and “best practice” procedures.

Study Initiation Program participation is available through invitation from HRPO/OVCR staff or via request. To make a request, please email HRPO.

The Study Initiation Program currently offers five types of visits. If the study falls into more than one of the categories below, the visit can be layered together to provide all-inclusive tailored education and guidance:

  • Study Initiation Visit – For investigators new to WU, conducting human subjects research in new fields or disciplines, or simply wanting an update on the state of the art in research administration at WU.

    Study Initiation Visits are available to all investigators for subsequent IRB approved studies upon request.
  • Multisite Study Initiation Visit – For investigators conducting their first multisite study as the coordinating center/lead site. During these visits, representatives of HRPO and the OVCR will address regulatory and institutional requirements for sites serving as the coordinating center/lead site, cover best practices for management of participating sites, and provide research documentation strategies specific to the coordinating center/lead site role for your IRB approved study.
  • IND or IDE Awareness Visit – For investigators who are first time sponsor-investigators (both the PI and holder of the IND or IDE).  These are informal sessions that cover FDA-required reporting, data management practices, research team and/or clinical site management, and helpful additional resources.
  • DoD Awareness Visit – For investigators who are conducting research sponsored by the Department of Defense. These sessions cover DoD reporting obligations as well as regulatory and institutional requirements specific to DoD funded research.
  • Exception from Informed Consent Initiation Visit – For investigators who are conducting FDA regulated emergency research under the exception from informed consent regulations. During these visits, representatives of HRPO and the OVCR will review the regulatory and institutional requirements pertaining to this research as well as best practices.
Necessary Elements in the Fundamentals of Human Subjects Research

Necessary Elements in the Fundamentals of Human Subjects Research was founded in 2004 and is a foundation course that is offered twice each year. The course is intended to provide participants with information from as many regulatory and clinical areas involved in human subjects research as possible so that the attendees are exposed to the research enterprise that governs research as well as the various types of studies found under the umbrella of human subjects research.

The immediate objective is to educate investigators and research staff in the ethics and regulations of research. The long-term goal is to have all investigators properly trained.

This is a collaborative effort between the Human Research Protection Office, the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Research, the Center for Clinical Studies of the Institute of Clinical and Translational Sciences and Siteman Cancer Center.

Course Information

Cost: The cost of the course is $30. *Due to the changes with Workday, our business office will collect the payment based on the cost center provided during registration.


Session 1: Tuesday, March 18th, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Session 2: Thursday, March 20th, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Session 3: Tuesday, March 25th, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Session 4: Thursday, March 27th, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Session 5: Tuesday, April 1st, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.
Session 6: Thursday, April 3rd, 9 a.m. – 2 p.m.

Zoom link to be distributed to those who are confirmed registered via email before the course begins.

Registration Required
Do not enroll if you are not available for all 6 sessions. No partial credit will be given.

Seating is very limited and fills fastThe virtual class requires that your webcam be on for the entire course due to the interactive components and breakout work groups.

By registering for this course, it is assumed you have pre-approval from your Business Manager to cover the cost of this course*. We will be asking for the Workday Cost Center (CC) and your financial contact information in the REDCap survey that will be sent to you after registration.

Questions, Payment, non-WU Personnel Registrations, and Cancellation Policy
Contact for additional information.


The education programs offered by HRPO are designed to meet the community’s needs. To do so, some programs are developed in conjunction with other Washington University departments and divisions while some are the sole creation of HRPO.  Many features of HRPO educational programs have won awards from the Health Improvement Institute and the Association of American Medical Colleges. We continue to use WU research community feedback and innovative partnerships to improve the quality of our programs.

Content current as of 03/05/2024