HRPO has a dedicated staff member on-call and ready to answer your questions between 8am and 4pm Monday-Friday. Please call (314) 747-6800 to be connected with the on-call HRPO staff representative.
You can Chat with a HRPO representative while logged into the myIRB system between 8am to 4pm Monday-Friday. Although not all questions and issues can be addressed in Chat, many can be handled quickly and easily.
- The HRPO team offers virtual Office Hours on Wednesdays from 9:30 am – 1:00 pm. These virtual sessions will begin on 9/2/2020. Office Hours will be held through Zoom so we can look through applications or contingencies together on the spot.
- Click the link below to join the Zoom meeting – you will initially enter a waiting room until a HRPO representative becomes available.
Meeting ID: 976 0122 2872
Passcode: 445276
Dial by your location
+1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago)
Find your local number:
NOTE: Canceled Office Hours sessions will be noted on the HRPO News web page.
HRPO offers Consultations with researchers and their team members to provide in-depth and customized guidance about the IRB review process.
Designated HRPO staff will meet with researchers and their team members to discuss their project and provide protocol-specific guidance on regulatory requirements, institutional policies, and ethical considerations as it relates to the IRB review of human subject research.
Complete the “Request a Meeting” form and a HRPO staff member will follow up within 1-2 business days.